Writing Center & Library Supports HTML Announcement

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Subject: Free 24/7 Writing & Library Support!

<p>If you are struggling with <strong>writing</strong> or using <strong>APA style</strong>, please connect with a tutor through 24/7 Writing Tutoring, where a writing tutor will work with you one-on-one to help you improve your writing.  Or, if you would like writing feedback on a paper, <a href="https://writingcenter.uagc.edu/paper-review">click to learn how to submit a paper</a>.  A writing tutor will review and return your paper to you within 24 hours!</p> <p>If you need help <strong>finding good sources</strong> for your research papers or other course assignments, librarians can help!  Contact the library through phone, <a href="mailto:library@staff.uagc.edu">email</a>, or 24/7 Library Tutoring on the <a href="https://ashford.instructure.com/courses/18994/external_tools/retrieve?display=borderless&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Flibrary.ashford.edu%2FAccount%2FLtiLogin.aspx%3Fcustom_redirectresource%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Flibrary.ashford.edu%2Findex.aspx">Library website</a>.  They can help you learn to use the library databases to find quality articles and books, find required readings that are in the library, troubleshoot technical issues with library databases, and more!</p> <p>To access our services, click on Writing Center & Library under Home.</p> <p><img src="/users/1935/files/14447860/preview?verifier=gBaoldJzXWHSUNZoQY9OaajHwpmEWs37w4IEJM4L" alt="How to Access 247 WC and Library.png" width="602" height="434" /></p>